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AMAC, HTI, Qualcomm form Lifecomm to offer cellular PERS solution

AMAC, HTI, Qualcomm form Lifecomm to offer cellular PERS solution New company says it will take PERS into POTS-less future

ATLANTA—As the POTS sunset approaches, two telcos have come together with healthcare communications company American Medical Alert Corp. to form a new cellular PERS company, Lifecomm. Operating as a wholly owned subsidiary of Hughes Telematics, Inc., the company aims to have its first fully cellular, fully mobile solution ready for the market in 2011.

AMAC SVP of marketing and program development Randi Baldwin believes Lifecomm will not only fill a void at a critical time in the PERS industry, but will bring added value to the typical PERS proposition through GPS. “The clear advantage is that the device will allow us to monitor and track an individual's personal safety outside the home,” Baldwin said. “Inside the device, a cellular modem will enable wireless voice and data communications, and an embedded GPS combined with other sensors will enable location-based tracking and monitoring of the person wearing the device.”

Recent Security Systems News stories about the Medical Alert Monitoring Association and Valued Relationships, Inc. have looked at the PERS industry's need for IP and GSM PERS solutions. Lifecomm's mobile PERS solution will consist of a wearable lightweight device with one-touch access to an emergency assistance call center. A personalized web portal for the user and/or caregiver will provide access to information about user activity and location.

HTI will provide the back office architecture and call center network as the backbone of the Lifecomm service. Qualcomm will provide engineering services, technical resources and capital for the development of the mobile PERS solution, which will be based on Qualcomm's Wearable Mobile Device module and wireless chipset technology. AMAC, with nearly 30 years experience delivering personal emergency response solutions, will be the primary VAR of the solution, and will open up channel opportunities for mobile PERS.


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