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A-Com acquires GBA

A-Com acquires GBA

ATLANTA--A-Com Protection Services increased its density in this state with the acquisition, announced Feb. 13 of Georgia Burglar Alarm of Dublin.
"We have an office in Tipton, Georgia, and an office in Jessup. If you look at Dublin, that makes a triangle," said Wayne Beck, CEO of A-Com. "One of our goals is to develop business in the Southeast part of Georgia, an area which is heavily populated."
The deal adds 450 accounts, a couple of employees and a new office location, Wayne said.
The seller, Janet Lee Hudson, is the widow of Charles Lee, who ran the business for many years. GBA was started by Charles Lee's father in the 1940s. GBA was represented by Davis Marketing Group in the transaction.  
"Charles Lee passed away in January of 2007. He was one the real pioneers in the industry," Beck said. 
A-Com Protection Services has its own monitoring station, 85 employees, and six offices in Georgia and Alabama. It has 12,000 monitored accounts and 15,000 customers, which are roughly 60 percent residential and 40 percent commercial.
Asked what the company's specialty is, Beck said, "the really good part about us is that we're one shop that does it all, from a very small burglar alarm system to more complex jobs ... with 150 cameras."
Beck said he is interested in more acquisitions, particularly to grow its mid- and Southeast Georgia presence and especially where the company "has the people in place and the team to continue running it."


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