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Orion's DoorGuard tailgating solution receives U.S. patent

Orion's DoorGuard tailgating solution receives U.S. patent

LACONIA, N.H. – Orion Entrance Control announced that its LiDAR-based, inference engine-driven tailgating solution, DoorGuard, has been awarded a U.S. patent.

DoorGuard uses its technology alongside point-cloud data and Orion’s new Nebula inference engine, so the system develops and grows smarter over time. Orion said they can program specific scenarios and use cases into the software to share with the DoorGuard ecosystem. That they say enables end users and system integrators to achieve very low false alarm rates, as close to zero as possible.

“This really is a monumental accomplishment for Orion, as the technology that drives DoorGuard – LiDAR, AI and our Nebula Inference Engine – are cutting-edge technologies and speak to our core mission, which is to be a leading technology company that also sells intelligent, high-quality U.S.-made speed lanes,” Orion CEO Steve Caroselli said.

False alarm reduction occurs thanks to DoorGuard providing actionable data through Orion’s Infinity software platform. Infinity provides users the ability to quickly respond to real-time concerns both on-site and remotely, save time and resources troubleshooting, and keep track of occupants in a building for “effective and frictionless” building control.

Using its LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology, DoorGuard is able to detect if every individual passing a point of entry possesses an authorized credential. If it detects a single credential being scanned but multiple individuals passing through, DoorGuard can alert security teams of a tailgate through Infinity software or Orion’s open API, or relay outputs according to the requirements of the facility. DoorGuard is universally compatible with any existing access control system.

DoorGuard uses an overhead design approach for its sensors because the existing popular practice of placing them in door frames and walls is flawed, according to Caroselli. “With those door units, the sensor can easily be blocked by one person standing in there while others walk through,” he explained. “By going overhead, with no video component, we have solved that perennial tailgating problem, and we are also providing a solution that is completely private and frictionless. What further differentiates us from the competition is the point cloud and LiDAR data, which provides phenomenal decision-making capability.”

Orion is a U.S.-based turnstiles and technology company specializing in speed lanes. For information on DoorGuard and other Orion products please visit


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