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Generation next?

Generation next?

A nybody else excited to be going to Nashville? This ESX show isn’t just a good idea on the face of it--I think it’s clear integrators and installers need their own dedicated trade show where they can talk more than just price--but it’s also a great opportunity to check out one of America’s greatest cities. Good call on signing up Marty Stuart to play your big bash, NBFAA. That guy can rip. As part of this dedication to talking shop, I’ll be hosting a pair of lunch-time forums on the Thursday and Friday of the show, June 26 and 27, both of which look at the new breed of alarm dealer. The first, the “Rising Stars” forum, will feature panelists under the age of 40 who are working in management positions in the integration and installation community. The second, the “Next Generation” forum, offers up folks who’ve taken over the family alarm business. We’ll revisit some of these topics again in August’s “20 Under 40” issue, but I can’t say enough about how important it is for this generational divide to be correctly bridged. While younger industry members may laugh at those uncomfortable with working on the network and IP communication, older industry members rightly bristle at some of the bravado with which younger members announce the simplicity of solutions. New technologies have come and gone. Some of them have stuck with the industry. Others have been quickly surpassed. The VCR was state of the art. Please join me in tapping into the exuberance of youth while harvesting the wisdom of our industry veterans.


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