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NFPA World Safety Conference 2007, June 3-7

NFPA World Safety Conference 2007, June 3-7 NFPA's Lee Richardson picks some educational sessions

In addition to the Spotlight Sessions and featured presentations, what educational sesssions might be of interest to Security Systems News readers at the June 3 thorugh 7 NFPA World Safety Conference and Exhibition? Lee Richardson, NFPA senior electrical engineer, agreed to share some suggestions, which follow. For a complete listng and description, visit SU 53 "NFPA 731--The Second Edition" "This will give an overview of what's talked about in the next edition of NFPA 731," Richardson said. Shane Clary of Bay Alarm Co. and the NFPA Standards Council will lead the discussion. M31 "Update on Premises Security" This panel, with Michael DeVore of State Farm Insurance Co., John Fannin III from SafePlace Corp, and Wayne Moore of Hughes Associates, will review proposed changes to 730 (guide to premises security) and 731 (standard for installation of electronic premises security systems). It's "a big deal because it was NFPA's first venture into security codes," said Rich Bielen, NFPA director of fire protection and chemical engineering. This session would be ideal for "company owners and consultants who develop security plans for a facility rather than the design of the system itself. It won't get into the installation nuts and bolts," Beilen said. SU 43 "Fire Test: Smoke Detector Performance with Deep Beams and Deep Beam Pockets" Daniel O'Connor of Schirmer Engineering Corp. will summarize the findings of a study conducted to revise NFPA 72 for spacing of smoke detectors on ceilings with deep beams. "This has been a difficult issue for some time. They will talk about that and about independent research on the issue," said Richardson. "It will be a practical discussion and may be helpful to someone who does a lot of this work." M 24 "Visual Signalling in Big Box Stores--Can you see the light?" A report on research testing the use of strobes in large volume spaces, "This has to do with notification appliances in big box stores which has been a difficult problem because of high ceilings. Some studies have been done. Bob Schfiliti [of R.P. Schifiliti Associates] who is chairman of the NFPA 72 correlating committee, will lead the session," said Richardson. T42 "Application of Video Smoke and Flame Detection Systems in Vehicle Tunnels and other Applications" "This technology is up and coming," said Richardson. "I think it's got a lot of potential for use with security systems. It might be a little more theoretical than some of the other sessions. Ken Gentile, who works with us, is giving the talk." M 06 "Directional Sound. Understanding a New Technology to Improve Evacuation Times" Jeffrey Klein of System Sensor and Daniel O'Connor of Schirmer Engineering Corp will lead the discussion. "I think this technology is fascinating," Richardson said. SU 14 "Older adults: Fire safety and smoke alarms," with Daniell Gottuk of Hughes Associates, and SU 27 Optimizing Fire Alarm Notification for High Risk Groups" with Dorothy Druck from Victoria University and Steven Gwynne of Hughes Associates. "Studies show [that there are some types of sounds] that may increase the ability to awaken people from sleep," Richardson said.


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