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TAC eyes green market

TAC eyes green market

WOBURN, Mass.--As incentives, from tax credits to expedited permitting, for environmentally sustainable buildings continue to entice building owners, it is becoming increasingly important for security professionals to be aware of all things green.

That was one consistent message here on March 4 at the Intelligent Buildings Boston 2009 workshop sponsored by T.A.C.

The best way security integrators can take advantage of the green movement is to have employees certified in environmentally sustainable construction standards, particularly Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, said Daniel O'Neill, president and CEO, Applied Risk Management. LEED certification can be an advantage during the bidding process, but it also ensures security can knowledgably participate in project development and implement proper security measures in line with sustainability efforts.

However, there is an inherent conflict between sustainability and security, O'Neill said. For example, lighting can be an issue of contention. “Security wants maximum lighting, sustainability wants minimum lighting, so there needs to be compromise,” he said. “Security needs to get involved as early as possible.”

In a down economy, having environmental accreditation can help integrators move into markets where growth is occurring. “There's a decline in the number of projects, volume is down a bit, but we're specializing in certain markets of growth,” said Tony DeStefano, director of integrated security systems, T.A.C.

One area of growth, for example, is government projects, which are expected to increase from stimulus package funding. Government agencies have now begun requiring that all new buildings meet LEED certification, so integrators with environmental certification may have a marked advantage at winning those government contracts.


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