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Specifically Speaking: Breanna Sieferman on the importance of ROI

Specifically Speaking: Breanna Sieferman on the importance of ROI

Specifically Speaking: Breanna Sieferman on the importance of ROI

YARMOUTH, Maine — There’s nothing like designing integrated security systems that deliver a return on investment (ROI) for end users, says Breanna Sieferman, CPP, PMP, associate principal with TEECOM. 

“There’s no way around it, the systems I design and specify are a big investment, so I love the idea of anything that can improve efficiencies and increase the return on that investment for our end users,” Sieferman told SSN.  

As part of Security Systems News’ monthly column Specifically Speaking, the following is an exclusive Q&A with Sieferman:  

SSN: What kinds of systems do you design/specify, and what services does the company provide? 

SIEFERMAN: I design integrated security systems for multi-site enterprises - more specifically, access control, video surveillance, intrusion detection, security communication and visitor management systems for global offices with multiple sites that are monitored by one or more centralized security operations centers.  

In addition to security, my colleagues at TEECOM specialize in acoustics, A/V and telecom design. 

SSN: What vertical markets does the company specialize in? Any interesting projects that you can mention?  

SIEFERMAN: TEECOM is known for designing and specifying systems for mission-critical, health care, global office and judicial facilities.  

The specifics of my projects are mostly constrained by NDAs; however, in addition to the always interesting global office projects that I typically get to work on, I have had the pleasure of working on some really interesting I-1 occupancy projects, including detention centers and memory care facilities.  

Some of the most memorable projects that I have contributed to have been historically significant projects, including a couple of historical courthouses and one well-known national cemetery.  

SSN: How did you get started in security and designing/specifying?  

SIEFERMAN: After equipping myself with a degree from U.C. Davis in managerial economics and starting my career in commercial agricultural production, I eventually found my way to assisting general contractors suffering from non-performing subcontractors who were often facing arbitration.  

This was during the period that wireless locksets with integrated card readers were becoming popular, and I found myself in a niche where Division 8 contractors ended up with access control in their scope of work and were unable to deliver.  

My real introduction to the security industry came while conducting a site walk for one of these flailing projects. There were over 500 access control doors, all in varying states of uncoordinated disfunction, and I knew them all by heart, so while walking the site with the contractors I rarely had to consult or even carry any notes.  

A well-established security integrator was impressed by that, and after one of our walks, he offered me a job. I took it, and that security integrator would come to be one of my greatest mentors. I attribute my start in the security industry to him.  

We did a lot of bid work, as well as design build work, which I really enjoyed. But I thought I could provide a greater service to our customers if I could be involved earlier on in the process, and eventually, I made the leap from security integrator to security consultant.  

SSN: What is your view on the industry moving forward?  

SIEFERMAN: I am consistently excited about the future of the industry moving forward. Every day I get the opportunity to learn something new while getting to help people solve complex and important problems. I can’t really think of a better way to occupy my time.  


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