Specifically Speaking with Protus3 Consultant Dana Frentz

By Paul Ragusa
Updated 12:41 PM CDT, Wed August 25, 2021
YARMOUTH, Maine—Security Systems News recently caught up with Protus3 Consultant Dana Frentz, CHPA, PSP, who has spent more than 25 years in law enforcement and security, working on large-scale projects within healthcare and education, for example, including the creation of operational security standards.
SSN: What's your role at the company?
FRENTZ: I’m a consultant at Protus3, and I’m considered a generalist. I conduct physical security assessments, perform system commissioning, and design systems for clients.
SSN: What kinds of systems do you design/specify and what services does the company provide?
FRENTZ: We design physical security systems – access control, video management, intrusion detection emergency notification, mass notification – you name it. We also provide security operations center layout and design.
We partner with our clients to design systems that provide comprehensive security layering allowing them to have a budget conscious yet effective and efficient security program. We are agnostic when it comes to the manufacturer of a security device or system – our goal is to recommend the right product for each client, whatever that may be. We help our clients find the appropriate system to fit their needs and allow then to grow. We recognize that no one system fits all, but by utilizing people, processes, and technology together our clients can have a robust and effective security program
SSN: What vertical markets does the company specialize in? Any interesting projects that you can mention?
FRENTZ: As an organization we partner with nearly every market. We do not do a lot in the retail space but certainly could. Due to my background I tend to lean toward working with healthcare and campus organizations.
In recent years I have had the opportunity to partner with Wake Technical Community College to design and upgrade to their video management system for eight of their campuses with includes nearly 40 individual buildings and parking structures. We’ve been working on developing Standards and working with teams to unlearn certain security assumptions and behaviors and embrace new ones.
SSN: How did you get started in security and designing/specifying?
FRENTZ: Having spent more than 25 years in law enforcement and security, mostly in health care environments and leadership positions, I knew how I wanted systems to work, but I also knew operationally they would need to be almost effortless to use or people would find a work around and defeat the systems’ intent. I would work with my integrators and end users to design workable systems that would be used as intended.
Joining Protus3 has allowed tremendous growth for me on the design side and put to use my operations background and relationship building to bring clients the best of outstanding technology, comfortability with the products, and ease of use.
SSN: Can you talk about what new or emerging technologies you are seeing or specifying today?
FRENTZ: Due to the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, I have seen where organizations are relying more on access control than ever. They need the ability to remotely control access and maintain areas for limited access – an activity that previously utilized people on site. Companies have been given the opportunity to see where they must improve their physical security when they cannot rely on people in place. This just supports our mantra that a good security program relies on people, processes, and technology to assure a safe and secure environment.
SSN: What is your view on the industry moving forward?
FRENTZ: I see our industry continuing to grow and organization’s leaders embrace even more that physical security is not just a “non-revenue producing department.” Security is a true protection and, in some cases, a balm for their greatest assets, their people. By investing in time, processes and technology, they are investing in their people who will then invest in their customers, and their organization with thrive.
Specifically Speaking, a Security Systems News monthly column, features Q-and-A with a security consultant provided to SSN by SecuritySpecifiers.