Five Questions: Melissa Hansen

By Amy Canfield
Updated Tue January 27, 2015
Melissa Hansen, the director of training for COPS Monitoring in Williamstown, N.J., started her career with the wholesale monitoring provider as a dispatcher 19 years ago. She now oversees COPS' complete training program across its six central stations, including educating new employees, CSAA Five Diamond certification, proprietary training for dispatchers, customer service and disaster preparedness instruction. She also is one of this year's Security System News' 20 under 40 winners. In early January, Security Systems News caught up with Hansen and asked her five questions.
What do you do in your spare time?
We're very good at being an aunt and uncle, my husband and I. We take the kids out all the time. We have 12 nieces and nephews, ranging from those in their 20s all the way down to 6 years old.
And aside from the family involvement?
We're very adventurous. We like to do things outside—whitewater rafting and any type of exercise. We like to go to the beach—we're very big beachgoers.
How long have you been married?
We've been married for 17 years, so we like to challenge ourselves. Every year we set a new goal. Last year it was going to more concerts and shows. [Her favorite? A Def Leppard concert. “Now I'm showing my age,” she added, laughing.] This year it is kayaking, including whitewater kayaking. Challenge is part of my core personality, to always try to do better. I like [in my job] that I continue to learn to better myself and others. It's the most rewarding thing I can think of.
What do you like about where you live?
I like the community that I have. It's the people. [For example,] I have the best neighbor next door. He mows our lawn for the entire summer, shovels snow off our roof, shovels our driveway, all for no pay. He's the best neighbor I could ask for.
Do you have any pets?
We have two dogs, miniature dachshunds, Oscar and Louie. They are cute but very possessive of their owners. One is pretty friendly, but the other is skittish. They're playful and funny. We always say our dogs are our little children.