Here’s the thing …

By SSN Staff
Updated 12:38 PM CST, Wed February 23, 2022
In preparing to announce this year’s recipients of our third annual Security Legend Award to probably the most well-known and liked couple in security, Christine and Andrew Lanning, I started to think back on all of the ways each of them has not only inspired and influenced me as an editor and person, but also the industry itself, as they are the epitome of selfless. They are givers, that much I am sure of, and the industry is so much better because of their tireless efforts.
Over the past six years, whenever I have asked either one of them to speak at our conference, or for a quote, or an interview, you name it, the Lannings were there! There aren’t many constants in this life, which is why it is so wonderful to have people like Christine and Andrew in the world, two people who are constant reminders for the rest of us on how to conduct ourselves on a daily basis.
Which brings me to the title of my blog, a phrase some of you might recognize if you follow Andrew on LinkedIn. The phrase, Here’s the thing, is how Andrew starts many of his posts – some philosophical in nature, some work related, and some just downright funny, or interesting, or silly, but they all provide a glimpse into the wisdom both he and Christine have found there in Hawaii, leading a highly successful integration company to boot!
As champions for culture building and leadership, Christine has talked about the importance of focusing on Ho’ohui, which in Hawaiian is about creating connections and building bridges together. What better word to describe the Lannings and their selfless devotion to not only their employees, but also pushing the industry forward. Whether it is cybersecurity or inclusivity, they are leading the charge.
Thinking back, it is crazy what we remember from past conferences like ISC West, especially for some of our SSN readers who have been going to ISC West for decades. For me, who is only going on about six ISC Wests, I will always remember one gesture that just speaks to that notion of Ho’ohui that the Lannings embody. I was walking across a smoky hotel casino floor, coming back late from the blindingly endless meetings and events that go on, and out of the sea of Vegas madness came the Lannings, with a hug and smile, lighting up my spirit like the slot machines that were going off in the background.
Sure, it was just a small gesture, but connecting like that in that moment reverberated for me, creating a sort of ripple effect of kindness that we sometimes overlook, or miss, or forget to do in our day-to-day hustle and bustle of running from one thing to the next.
Talking about creating moments that stay with you, I am very excited to be able to personally give the Security Legend Award to Christine and Andrew during our Award Reception at our SecurityNext conference in Nashville, April 25-27.
And as a special treat for all those who attend the conference, the Lannings are leading a session on what else? … Culture building in your company, of course! The session, “Apple Pie and Ice Cream — Inclusive Culture Building” will look at why core values are an important component of every business culture, and features not only Christine and Andrew, but also Rose “Liz” Bacus, FedGov Project Engineer, on the IST team. Liz is also a 2021 “40 under 40” award recipient and will be receiving her award as well during the award reception on Tuesday, April 26, from 5:30-7 p.m.
We hope to see you there in Nashville! And to quote the Lannings, until next time, Mahalo!