Microsoft's Michael Korgan to keynote Cloud+ Korgan to discuss how physical security integrators, end users and manufacturers can profit from cloud

By Martha Entwistle
Updated Fri October 23, 2015
FOSTER CITY, Calif.—Michael Korgan, Microsoft National Security Officer, will be the keynote speaker at Cloud+, the first-ever physical security conference dedicated to cloud-based security technology, conference organizers announced today. Cloud+ will take place here in Silicon Valley, Dec. 7-8.
Major cloud providers—Amazon, Microsoft, Google and others—garnered $16 billion in sales in 2014. Of the big three, Microsoft is the fastest growing provider of cloud services, with triple-digit revenue growth over the past three years. Cloud+ keynote speaker, Microsoft's National Security Officer Michael Korgan, will shed light on which industries are most effectively using the cloud. He'll discuss the revenue opportunity for industries like physical security that are relatively new to cloud-based systems, and he'll key in on what physical security integrators, end users and manufacturers can do to increase their share of the cloud pie.
PHOTO: Michael Korgan
Korgan will lead off the two-day conference that will cover everything that physical security installers, monitoring companies and end users need to know about deriving new revenue and ROI from the cloud.
"Cloud is the new frontier for physical security. It's happening whether our industry likes it or not," said Tim Purpura, Security Systems News group publisher and VP.� "What are the possibillities and what are the potential pitfalls? They're all covered in our educational program," Purpura said.
"Attendees can see the technology up close at the Cloud+ exhibit hall. Security Systems News is excited to provide the first venue ever to showcase the latest cloud-based physical security technology side-by-side in one place. The exhibit hall will be as educational as the sessions," Purpura said. "Sponsors of the conference include Brivo, BluB0X, Honeywell, AMT, Feenics, Genetec, Vunetrix, Oncam, Bold Technologies, Exacq and Attendees will get to see their technologies and many others at the conference," Purpura added.
Click here for more details on the educational program. Click here for details on registration and information about early bird rates and other specials. Below are some of the topics that will be covered at the conference.
*The implications of new monitoring center software that will enable central station infrastructure to sit in the cloud.
* Ensuring cybersecurity in the cloud from and expert who knows how to hack and how to ensure safety in the cloud.
* The possibilities of cloud-powered biometrics
* The cloud enables a new security dealer
* The cloud defined: Our experts provide clarity on basic types of cloud providers and on the term cloud itself
* Video in the cloud: Is it cost effective?
* Access, video, health monitoring in the cloud: Applications that work
* Residential as a cloud-testing ground for commercial
* Google, Unikey and Brivo discuss how the phone is the key