p-Chip Corporation code tracker enhances QR code security

By SSN Staff
Updated 3:36 PM CDT, Thu September 15, 2022
CHICAGO – The p-Chip Corporation, a maker of microtransponder technology for tracking physical products and materials have announced a new code tracker for QR codes.
Their product is the p-Chip Code™ secure tracking tag which combines the silicon-based p-Chip microtransponder with a standard 2D matrix code, creating a “hyper-secure” QR codes and others like bar codes. "The pandemic brought widespread QR code use into the center of the consumer mainstream," Joe Wagner, CEO of p-Chip Corporation said. "But for many businesses, including food brands, pharmaceutical companies, automobile manufacturers and others, QR codes pose a host of potential security risks, since they are incredibly easy to create and replicate. The new p-Chip Code technology provides an additional layer of security for QR codes or other matrix codes, delivering a breakthrough in reliable traceability at an affordable price."
The p-Chip Code tracker works as a nearly invisible transponders placed inside a 2D matrix code label, which can then be placed on a variety of items from food to automobile parts and more. Items are validated via the embedded chip allowing companies to manage tracking, supply, and security of their goods.
“The p-Chip Code tracking tag allows for the serialization of physical materials; counterfeit-resistant security at a scalable price; visibility into secure, granular data across the supply chain; and minimization of the risks and vulnerabilities associated with QR codes alone.” The p-Chip Corporation writes.
For more information about the p-Chip Secure Code tracking tag you can visit p-chip.com.