Alcatraz AI launches the Rock to promote touchless authentication

By SSN Staff
Updated 10:20 AM CDT, Wed September 15, 2021

REDWOOD CITY, Calif.—Alcatraz AI, a leader in physical security technologies, has announced an initiative to promote touchless authentication while returning to the office.
As companies decide how to safely return to work, Alcatraz AI is providing the opportunity to try its frictionless authentication solution, the Rock, which minimizes touchpoints and provides facemask verification to ensure COVID safety. Through Oct. 31, 2021, companies that sign up will receive a 45-day free trial of the Rock.
Alcatraz AI is reimagining the way you enter secured spaces using your face as your credential. The state-of-the-art Rock transforms access control by leveraging artificial intelligence and analytics to make powerful decisions at the edge. With features like touchless or multi-factor authentication, tailgating intelligence, and video at the door, the Rock makes companies’ physical security strategies future-proof.
One of the challenges with bringing workers back into workspaces is controlling access, including creating controlled or separate entrances and exits, monitoring who has access into facilities and when, and even dividing work areas into zones to limit large numbers of people congregating. The Alcatraz AI Rock provides effective access control for the new normal world. The Rock could also function as an ONVIF camera, certified with Profile S and Profile T to provide IP-based video streaming.
With an ever-increasing demand for new solutions in safety and security, companies like the Los Angeles Football Club and MLK Hospital are already using the Rock to secure their spaces. The Rock is bringing these organizations into the future of smart buildings with its touchless building access, while solving problems currently presented by the pandemic.
For a 45-day free trial of the Alcatraz AI Rock, visit Alcatraz AI’s website and sign up by Oct. 31. The timeline in which companies will receive their demo kit is based on availability.