AMAG Technology announces Symmetry Mobile

By SSN Staff
Updated Wed July 8, 2020
HAWTHORNE, Calif.—Symmetry Mobile is a web credential application designed to be used with AMAG’s Symmetry Bluetooth readers that provides a centralized, frictionless setup that supports post-pandemic working environments.
“As organizations return to work and need to support COVID-19 guidelines, Symmetry Mobile will provide a touchless solution that supports multi-factor authentication,” Jonathan Moore, product director, AMAG Technology, said in the announcement. “Organizations can centrally issue and manage mobile credentials to their entire user base from a remote location, eliminating the need to buy and carry a physical credential or come into the badge office. This supports physical distancing and helps keep employees safe.”
The Symmetry Mobile credential management platform delivers a cost-effective, convenient solution for organizations using mobile devices to gain access to secured doors. Frictionless credential setup eliminates the need to physically interact with the security team or visit a badging office. The Mobile Credential Portal allows central, remote management of credentials, photos and devices. Symmetry Mobile and Symmetry Blue integrate with Symmetry Access Control and other access control systems, making it an ideal solution for Enterprise users deploying more than one system.
Users can have an unlimited number of credentials stored within their digital wallet, allowing access to multiple sites using different access control systems to use the same mobile device.
Symmetry Mobile supports multi-factor authentication when used with PIN or biometric (fingerprint and facial recognition) on both Android and Apple iOS devices and supports multiple languages. It is currently available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.