Campus COVID solution: convert restrooms to single occupancy with Trilogy from Alarm Lock

By SSN Staff
Updated 11:40 AM CDT, Tue September 29, 2020
AMITYVILLE, N.Y.—As campuses and K-12 Schools across the country struggle to reopen and remain as such by employing preventive methods, Alarm Lock has introduced an easy, economical COVID solution to quickly convert multi-stall restrooms to single occupancy, to create social distancing & help avoid spread of the virus.
Retrofitting standard locks in minutes, wireless Trilogy Privacy Standalone Pushbutton PIN Locks feature an inner privacy pushbutton.
After entry, using a PIN code or ID Card, the user simply pushes the privacy button on the back of the lock, on the inside door, to ensure their privacy. The lock will not open from the front entry side until the user exits, or optionally, the privacy session “times-out” following a preset duration, after a few mins, up to 250mins. A self-adhesive, bilingual usage sign is also furnished.
Alarm Lock Trilogy locks are the “#1 selling” electronic standalone locks in their class, featuring fingertip-programming, vandal-proof all-metal digital keypad &/or built in smart ID reader, longest battery life (using 5AA off-the-shelf batteries) and field-proven Grade 1 durability for low-maintenance, according to the company.
Other options include GermAway antimicrobial finish (plus several other architectural finishes) and/or optional Keypad Guard (HW2037) that facilitates daily disinfecting and cleaning. Matching Trilogy models are available for all doors and application needs, inside and out, from cylindrical and mortise, to narrowstile and exit trim. Next-gen advanced Trilogy Networx models are networked and controlled via server/PC-network using free Alarm Lock Windows-based software or leading real-time integrated platforms.
For more on Alarm Lock Trilogy and Privacy Locks, PIN model DL4100 or PIN/Prox ID PDL4100 or network-ready PDLN4100, please contact your regional Alarm Lock Representative, see us online at or call us 1.800.ALA.LOCK and ask for Trilogy Bathroom Solutions Spec Sheet (#ALA531).