Danville seeks to change false alarm ordinance

By SSN Staff
Updated Mon August 22, 2011
DANVILLE, Calif.—An Aug. 10 story from the Contra Costa Times reports the town council here is reviewing proposals on charging for false alarms.
In 2010, police responded to roughly 2,300 burglar alarm calls, with most of them being false, reports Contra Costa Times. The numbers did not include almost 600 calls that were canceled while officers were en route to the location.
Danville currently has an ordinance in place, which places a $50 fine for a first violation and more for others; however, it is not enforced. Some council members recommended requiring permits, which would be free.
A revised ordinance will give first-time offenders a warning. For the second false alarm, users will pay $50, $150 for the third and $300 for the fourth and additional violations within the year.