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Gee Ess Expectations

Gee Ess Expectations

After the absolute nonsense of odd schedules and canceled flights, I think I’m finally prepared for my journey to GSX next month.

This is pertinent to me right now because the past two weeks I’ve been watching my dance card fill up with visits to some of industry’s biggest movers and shakers, as well as some lesser known and up-and-coming names on the security scene. Several have promised some juicy news ready to drop at this show so I’m looking forward to what I’ll find.

Of course, I’ll also be sure to keep you all apprised of my visit. I will be blogging from the show, and you can expect some articles from me on those same industry partners and concerning all that juicy news. As always, I expect I’ll meet some of you there, and if you see me toss me a friendly wave, or we might already have a visit together scheduled!

I also hope to have the time to partake of some of the show programming. In particular I’ve had my eye on a learning session titled, “Convergence of Physical and Cyber Identity for a Seamless Workplace Experience”. That is quite a mouthful, however, I think the convergence of cyber and physical in the security industry pretty much spells out its future. With almost every function and service operating on cloud-based technology these days, and most software turning to artificial intelligence, it won’t be much longer until everything stops blurring together and is the same thing.

I’ve always said that cybersecurity IS physical security, and soon you might not be able to discern any differences at all. At the very least you’re going to have trouble determining which technician to call to fix your broken window.

I’ll see you guys on the floor.


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