iPro unveils new line of PTZ cameras

By SSN Staff
Updated 12:53 PM CDT, Wed June 28, 2023
TOKYO – Public safety and security solutions provider iPro has announced 16 new PTZ cameras that sport up to 4k resolution and IR illumination.
The new line of cameras is called Rapid PTX, and the company is launching the models as part of its X and S series. They’re described as being the smallest in their category with comprehensive edge AI capabilities and resolution options.
Due to their size, they can be deployed discreetly and thanks to their pan and tilt speeds of up to 700% operators can obtain security footage quickly and precisely. Their IR LED capabilities ensure that the cameras can monitor in complete darkness up to 250 meters and uses its AI-based auto-tracking to keep persons of interest and vehicles locked and in focus.
“This is the first time i-PRO has introduced PTZ cameras with such high resolutions,” said Bill Brennan, President, i-PRO Americas. “When you consider that they also have the smallest form factor, are very easy to install, and include powerful IR and a full complement of AI-based analytics, it’s a hard product to beat.”
A full list of specifications for the cameras can be found at i-pro.com.