More on the Security 5K
This Blog's on Fire (And Other Stuff)

By Tess Nacelewicz
Updated Wed March 31, 2010
We've had tons of feedback on last week's Security 5K and I thought you might like to see a couple of photos. Below is Pinnacle Security president Kelly Walker getting bested by his wife, Lori, by one second. Lori came in first in the women's 30-and-under age division. [caption id="attachment_2637" align="alignright" width="600" caption="Crossing the blue finish line, Lori Walker and one second behind, Kelly Walker"][/caption] Team spirit was strong at the race. I saw a group of Broadview Security runners in matching t-shirts. And the team was 11 people strong and well-attired in their orange team shirts.
Look below. It's Team United Publications. Our iron-on team T-shirts are Maine haute couture. You may be able to read the front: "Middle of the Pack in the Security 5K" The back read: "Always First in News" From the left are: Gregg Shapiro our associate publisher, Sam, SDN managing editor Leischen Stelter, me, and SSN, SDN career center agent Jenna Grant. Group Publisher Tim Purpura took the photo and was also responsible for shooting the starting gun. He promises to run next year, and you should too.