Perimeter security provider comments on projected market growth

By Spencer Ives
Updated Wed May 20, 2015
I couple weeks back, I wrote an article on the perimeter security market—primarily Technavio's projection that it will rise between 2015 and 2019. Jack DeMao, the CEO for Electric Guard Dog, called me today to talk about the report, how it matches up with his company, and trends from his side of the industry.
Electric Guard Dog offers solar-powered electric security fences, designed to “deter people at the fence line.” His interest was piqued when he saw exactly that style of perimeter security mentioned by Technavio as a trend in perimeter security.
DeMao has seen a rise in perimeter security first hand, he told me, citing between a consistent growth at his company, year after year. “I would say that people have greater interest to keep the bad guys out at the fence line,” he told me.
A new trend for his business, he said, is more IoT-type requests; “Like most security solutions, [customers] want to be able to turn their fence [and] their security systems on and off with their smartphones, and get information as to what's going on at their site.”
Electric Guard Dog started offering smartphone abilities two or three years ago, DeMao estimated. At first, between 10 and 20 percent took this option. By 2015, that percentage has jumped to around 90 percent, he said.