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The PSA-TEC jam

The PSA-TEC jam

(Heads up: this page will take a while to load because of the UStream videos below - give it a minute if you actually want to check it out.)

I'm sure everyone has their own favorites, but the PSA-TEC jam session is by far my favorite event on the security industry calendar. And this time we even got some (bad) video of the event.

Thanks once again to Bill Bozeman, PSA CEO, for having the idea and twisting arms four years ago to get this off the ground, and to Tim Brooks at PSA for perpetuating the event and hiring the backing band and coordinating with all the players in the industry.

It's amazing how much talent we do have in our industry, and it's so cool to see everyone get up on stage. We must have had 10-12 players last night, including two drummers, five or six guitar players, two bassists, and harmonica player extraordinaire Paul Michael Nathan, who really does yeoman's duty at the show.

Also, special thanks to Frank Defina from Samsung, who was gracious enough to work up some bluegrass songs the night before the show, even if we didn't end up playing them in the quite the same way once the show started (people weren't exactly in the mood for pretty at 10:30 last night and five or six beers deep).

So, here's a little selection of bad video we grabbed using UStream last night (it's through my phone). We have some better stuff on a real video camera that I'll boil down once I'm back in the office.

My apologies in advance if these videos are completely and utterly unwatchable. I'm on a super-slow Sprint connection in the hotel room and can't really tell how they are. I can hear the music, but the video is pretty jumpy.

First, Frank Defina doing “Folsom Prison Blues”:

Next up, me getting in on some “Werewolves of London,” fronted by a guitarist named Mark (I think - have to do some research on that).

Then this is a taste of the “bluegrass” set. You can see even on this crappy video that it was too quiet after all that electric stuff. And then, of course, the battery on my phone died. But you can get an idea for what we were trying to do anyway. We scrapped the bluegrass quickly and then just did a 10-minute “Cortez the Killer” jam, which was pretty cool. Hopefully, we have video of that on the camera.

Was any of that video any good? Sometimes technology gives you great ideas, but makes it more than a little difficult to actually execute�


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