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Sam's on vacation - but these posts will tide you over

Sam's on vacation - but these posts will tide you over

I'll be taking a vacation next week (enjoying some rain and clouds by the lakeside even farther north of here), so don't expect any new posts until after the Fourth. However, since many of you just got on the blog bandwagon recently, let me introduce you to some of my better posts - and by better, I mean most ranting and overly critical, but also pretty funny, I think. Oh, and informative and interesting, too. Here's one on camera sales and whether they are or aren't really skyrocketing. Here's me being a grammar/syntax geek and going off on the compliment/complement wrongness that infests our industry. Remember the pain beam? Here's the coverage of my trip to Israel to visit security installations. I'll never get enough of the guy who volunteers to be tasered at ISC West. Never. My all time favorite press release. And, finally, Gosh, I almost forgot about the guy who got his lawnmower stolen. Seriously, this one's a classic. So, read one of those each day, get caught up on the blog in general, and pretend like I've been blogging all week since it's all new to you. See you on the other side of the Fourth.


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