Security Partners offers cloud storage
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By SSN Staff
Updated Tue January 21, 2014
LANCASTER, Pa.—Security Partners is now offering Security Partners Video Cloud Streamer (SPVCS) to its dealers, the company announced Jan. 21.
The streamer offers access to continuously recorded video stored in a cloud, according to the news release. Dealers will receive recurring monthly revenue for each customer who uses the product.
“This cutting-edge product offers peace of mind for customers and a tremendous new revenue source for dealers,” said Andy Stadler, division manager of advanced services at Security Partners, in a prepared statement. “Not only is it a quick and affordable video solution, the SPVCS replaces traditional video recording. It is maintenance-free, easy to use and incredibly reliable.”
The SPVCS is a four-channel analog streaming device. Security Partners learned about it from Dallas-based OMNI Watch Systems and now has more than 500 units in the field, according to the statement.
“From a dealer standpoint, it's ideal,” said Butch Davis, of OMNI Watch, a Security Partners dealer, in a prepared statement. “The video streamer requires no network configuration, is extremely reliable and ensures against traditional DVR system failure.”