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The right to bear arms

The right to bear arms

This week I took a break from the security industry to reflect on news from the security guard industry, and the title probably doesn’t mean what you think it does.

Let’s get that news out of the way up front since it’s the least heavy topic. Well, actually bears are pretty heavy. A security guard in Aspen made the unfortunate discovery of a bear in a kitchen at a local resort. According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife the guard was responding to a call about the bear when he surprised it.  Despite receiving scratches on his back, the guard was able to get away and call 911. A fortunate outcome, however, the bear remained on the lam as of the writing of this blog. It’s funny because in my newspaper days this is right about the time of year state and federal agencies would start sending me press releases about citizens being “Bear Aware”. Well, at least one security guard in Colorado is currently painfully aware of bears.

In other news a security guard in Laguna Hills was fighting for his life after a seemingly unprovoked attack saw him shot three times while sitting parked in his security vehicle. The suspect approached Larry Rojas, and after exchanging a few words opened fire. The suspect was found in possession of several other weapons including knives, other firearms, and an unserialized ghost gun according to The Orange County Register. That suspect had a history of previous violent tendencies with law enforcement, and following these recent charges, was denied bail. The victim, Rojas, has only worked as a security guard for two months. Prior to that he worked as a social worker conducting outreach for the homeless and as a behavioral therapist for autistic children.

I think it’s important to remember that while security guards are not law enforcement in the strictest sense, they face a lot of the same dangers that officers do in their work, and this is a sobering reminder of that.

In the last bit of news this week security guard David Dillard came forward to allege abuses against the many migrants who have been bussed from Texas to other parts of the country as part of an ongoing political stunt by Governor Greg Abbot. It’s truly terrible to see and hear other human beings being misled and mistreated as part of an elaborate game played by politicians, to say nothing of the potential health crisis it represents. It is heartening, however, to see someone in the industry stand up and say something in defense of the vulnerable.

That’s three guards this week, doing exceptional service in exceptionally dangerous situations. If you count yourself among the many made safe thanks to the efforts of security personnel, then spare a thought for them as you read this.

And be bear aware, but that goes without saying.


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