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Tag: private equity

Honeywell to acquire CAES


Honeywell to acquire CAES

June 20, 2024SSN Staff

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Honeywell has announced that it’s agreed to acquire CAES Systems Holdings LLC (CAES) from private equity firm Advent International for approximately $1.9 billion in an all-cash transaction. Honeywell said that this acquisition will enhance its defense technology solutions across land, sea, air and space, including new electromagnetic defense solutions for end-to-end radio frequency (RF) signal management. Combined, CAES' scalable offerings and Honeywell's...

Advent International, CAES Systems, Honeywell, Jim Currier, Mergers & Acquisitions, Mike Kahn, private equity, radio frequency (RF)

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Also Noted

Rich Armour joins technology board of Option3

September 30, 2022SSN Staff

NEW YORK – Specialist cybersecurity private equity firm Option3 announced that veteran chief information security officer Rich Armour has joined its technology board. Option3 is hoping the addition of Armour will, “…offer insight and strategic direction on the firm’s investment strategy.” The appointment coincides with a period of growth for Option3 for its C2 mid-market Cybersecurity Private Equity fund and focused investments in a variety of areas like military...

Chief Information Security Officer, Cybersecurity, Dell Computers, General Motors, HP, Manish Thakur, Option3, private equity, Rich Armour, United States Department of Defense (DoD)

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General News

Industry gives thumbs-up to private equity

December 16, 2015Spencer Ives

YARMOUTH, Maine—Private equity has a foothold in security, owning companies like Vivint, Protection 1 and CSG Security, but how does the industry really feel about private equity? Security Systems News' latest poll showed that half of respondents have worked with private equity and most would consider selling their business to a PE group.“Private equity in the security industry can accelerate growth. Most of us are limited to growth through cash flow excess which is slow and often ineffective,”...

Daved Levine, Electric Guard Dog, Femac, Georam Security, Isonas, Joe Rosenthal, Nathan Leaphart, Nick McAmis, private equity, SCI, Security Systems News (SSN), Sentry Security Solutions, Tom Gambon, Tracy Hendrix

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On The Editor's Desk

More lawyer shamelessness

May 18, 2010Martha Entwistle

I've written a couple times now about the trend of lawyers “investigating” deals made by public company boards. It's good to see that PeHub's Dan Primack is with me on this and digging up new and different ways for lawyers to be shameless. From today's PeHub email blast (to which you should subscribe, even if you don't really care about the private equity markets, just because it's so well written and interesting): *** It's become reflexive: Whenever a take-private buyout is announced,...

private equity

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