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Tag: software

Monitoring Matters


June 5, 2024Ken Showers, Managing Editor

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, only please don’t send me any more apps, because I think I’ve hit my limit. This week I yearn to breath the air of freedom from software applications because I can’t seem to escape writing about everyone’s new app. You might think I’m exaggerating, and you’d be right, I’m not spending my time talking about new apps soon to infest people’s smartphones, and that’s because I’m spending...

app, Artificial Intelligence (AI), DOOR, Latch, software

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On The Editor's Desk

Swedish firm buys Intergraph for $2.25b

July 10, 2010Martha Entwistle

In a deal where Swedish firm Hexagon is pretty clearly paying a premium for size, the company has purchased software firm Integraph - which plays in the security space as a PSIM provider, in addition to providing CAD and other design services for large projects - for $2.25 billion. See the full release here. With my head under water coming back from vacation, I apparently missed this deal when it was announced on July 6. Thanks to John Honovich and Twitter for bringing it to my attention. With announced...


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