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Get your new product listed in SSN

Get your new product listed in SSN

Got new product? Exhibiting at ISC West?

If so, you may submit your product for Security Systems News' ISC West New Show Products section.

All companies exhibiting at the show can submit one product that is making its debut at ISC West 2013 in April, but companies that have more than one product division may submit one product for each division. That's like video and access--not different flavors of video, OK? Please attach a jpeg image of the product to the email.

The process is easy. Just send the following information, in the body of an email to Cath Daggett� [email protected]

1. �Company name
2. �Company website
3. �Product name
4. �Three bullet points that describe your product, each 12 words or less
5. Company telephone number—only ONE please (to be published)
6. ISC West booth number (essential; you must be exhibiting at ISC West)
7. �Image of product ( JPEG file with a DPI of 300 or greater. No PDFs, please.)

The firm deadline is Wednesday, March 6. Space in the issue is limited, so submitting early ensures you a place in the section.

Questions? Call or email me or Cath.



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