NCS4 hosts successful National Sports Safety and Security Conference & Exhibition

By SSN Staff
Updated 5:04 PM CDT, Mon July 22, 2024
HATTIESBURG, Miss.—The National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4) has successfully concluded its 15th Annual National Sports Safety and Security Conference & Exhibition with a record attendance.
The conference was held July 9-11, 2024, at the JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge in Phoenix. The 2024 conference theme, “Make It Matter,” encouraged those working in sport and special event security to explore and transform ideas into tangible changes with lasting impacts. The event offered dynamic programming, solution provider engagement, and opportunities to network with fellow professionals.
“The NCS4 team thanks all the attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors for this year’s milestone conference success,” said Dr. Stacey Hall, NCS4 executive director and professor of sport management. “We had a 15-year record attendance of more than 600 participants, who heard from experts on topics at the forefront of our industry. The speakers and panelists were top-notch, and I’m positive attendees returned home with practical knowledge, tools, and new friends. Much credit should go to Lauren Cranford, NCS4 director of operations, for championing this event.”
The conference opened with a keynote from L. Vance Taylor, chief, Office of Access and Functional Needs, California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, and a motivational presentation from Dave Delaney, chief executive officer of
General sessions covered broad topics with panel discussions relevant to sports safety and security professionals in today’s ever-changing landscape, including emerging threats in sports security, FIFA World Cup security preparation, and drone threats at sporting events, to name a few. In addition to general sessions, the conference boasted an awards luncheon, breakout sessions, and an exhibition hall that allowed attendees to explore emerging technologies and network with industry peers.
“The NCS4’s annual National Sports Safety and Security Conference & Exhibition allows the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with others, evaluate new technology, and share and compare best practices,” noted G.B. Jones, chief safety and security officer, FIFA World Cup 2026. “It also allows attendees to peek around the corner to see what new challenges and opportunities might be emerging. Sports safety and security is always evolving. The NCS4 helps the pros sharpen their skills so they are ready to tackle the issues.”
The awards luncheon on the second day of the conference recognized constituents for their work over the past year and their careers. “We are honored to recognize each award recipient and their commitment to safety and security within their organizations,” Cranford said.
During the awards luncheon, the NCS4 also recognized new Certified Sport Security Professionals (CSSP), a designation that sets those who have earned the certificate apart from other professionals and highlights their dedication to remaining current with industry trends.
Planning for the 2025 Annual Conference is underway, with details to be released later this year. The event will be held July 1-3, 2025, at the JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa in San Antonio, Texas.