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N.M. county moves to mitigate impact of false alarms

N.M. county moves to mitigate impact of false alarms

RUIDOSO, N.M.—A may 24 story from the Ruidoso News reports an informal consensus was reached in mid-May on amendments to an ordinance designed to reduce the impact of false alarms on the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department.

A separate $25 registration is required for each alarm site, something that wasn't clear in the past version, the attorney said. Permits expire on Dec. 31 each year, regardless of the date of issuance.

The owner of a registered alarm shall be notified when a $25 renewal is due, but it will be up to the owner to submit an application for a renewed registration.

If they fail, after 30 days, they could be subject to penalty.

An owner is subject to a $100 fine for failure to maintain a valid registration permit.

Permits cannot be transferred. If a home or business is sold, the new owner must register the alarm in his or her name.

If the keyholder can't be reached, ultimately the owner is responsible if no one shows responds and a $50 fine can be imposed.

Even if the keyholder responds, if a owner experiences a fourth or fifth false alarm, they will be fined $25. After that, the fine jumps to $250 for the sixth or subsequent false alarm.


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