Specifically Speaking: Robert Miller explains 'simple yet effective solution’ Perimeter products ‘will undoubtedly be part of the conversations and designs moving forward’

By Cory Harris, Editor
Updated 11:29 AM CST, Wed January 29, 2025

DETROIT—In light of the recent vehicular attacks in Germany and New Orleans that killed 20 people and injured nearly 300 others, Robert Miller knows the importance of designing perimeter security plans to prevent such disasters from happening.
“Bad things continue to happen,” said Miller, owner and president of Imperial Professional Consulting. “School shootings, hostile vehicle attacks, threats to critical infrastructure, or simply a distracted driver at the local coffee shop all have a requirement for a simple yet effective solution.”
Miller noted that fences, gates, bollards and barriers provide solutions to these challenges and make our environments safer and more secure.
“Security is paramount, and these products are part of the overall security plan and will undoubtedly be part of the conversations and designs moving forward,” he stated.
As part of Security Systems News’ monthly column Specifically Speaking, the following is an exclusive Q&A with Miller:
SSN: What's your title and role at the company?
MILLER: I am the owner and president of Imperial Professional Consulting. As an independent, I handle all the functions of my consultancy, as well as the day-to-day business activities. I support design teams in navigating product options and performance requirements
SSN: What kinds of systems do you design/specify and what services does the company provide?
MILLER: I am a subject matter expert in fences, gates, bollards and barriers. I also serve the industry on various committees and leadership roles within the industry such as ASTM, CSI, SIA, ASIS and the American Fence Association.
SSN: What vertical markets does the company specialize in? Any interesting projects that you can mention?
MILLER: I work in every vertical market where there is an exterior environment. The products I specialize in are literally the first line of defense. Right now, health care, educational facilities and public gathering spaces are in the news, but some of my favorite projects are simple ones, like day care centers or the local convenience store.
SSN: How did you get started in security and designing/specifying?
MILLER: I started working in the field at a local fence installation company in high school. I learned the trade and then used it to help put me through college. I stuck with the industry and made it a career.
I worked for 20 years estimating and project-managing perimeter security projects. I spent the next 15 years on the manufacturing side of the industry, which is where I discovered my skill for working with architects and engineers. I realized there was a huge hole in the design side of the perimeter security industry and decided to fill it. I started my company in late 2020 when I realized how needed my skills were out in the marketplace.
SSN: Can you talk about what new or emerging technologies you are seeing or specifying today?
MILLER: Fences, gates, bollards and barriers are not glamorous products, but there are more new products in these categories than in most other physical construction products. I have been working with SIA and ASTM to identify the layers of performance these products serve and encouraging manufacturers to innovate and develop new products as solutions to those challenges.
Perhaps the fastest growing segment has been crash-rated products. Vehicle-borne attacks are increasing and making the news almost daily. But climb resistance, ballistic-rated and even blast-rated products are growing, as well. Basically, anytime there is a physical threat, we see growth and change in the products serving those markets.