Telcos & Cablecos: Their strategies revealed

By Martha Entwistle
Updated Mon June 25, 2012
I'm here in Nashville for the fifth annual ESX show and I'm currently prepping for three, count 'em—three, panel discussions that I'll be moderating tomorrow. I will show no moderation in moderating on Tuesday.
The panel discussions center on three different topics—careers in security, new technology impacting your business, and the new entrants into the security industry. However, when I did conference calls with the three different groups of panelists, the conversation inevitably touched on how to effectively compete against the AT&Ts and Comcasts of the world.
The new entrants will, no doubt, be a recurring theme in many of the educational sessions, discussions in the hallways and probably in the watering holes on Broadway in the evenings.
Another theme in my panels and others is the importance of IT know-how in security companies. It's something security systems integrators have been talking about for many years, but it's now becoming a crucial skill for the average security company that does residential, small business and light commercial as well.
On a related note, we'll also be discussing security company's back office operations and processes during a couple of my panels. Is your office IT infrastructure up to snuff?
Here's what I'm up to on Tuesday:
9-10:30 a.m. YSP Eye Opener Breakfast in the Renaissance Ballroom: We'll be honoring the members of Security Systems News' “20 under 40” Class of 2012 and the Security Industry Mentors. After that, I'll be moderating a panel discussion about careers in security with Mel Mahler, CEO of ADS, and one of the five Security Industry Mentors; Mike Jagger, CEO of Provident Security, SSN “20 under 40” Class of 2008; Laurie Jackson, VP, gaming sales for NAV.
1:45-3 p.m. Technology Trends Impacting your Business in Room 204. We'll be talking about mobile apps, managed services and what you need to do internally to ensure that your business is ready to offer these services. On the panel: Wells Sampson, CEO of American Alarm; David Carter, managing director of Security Networks of America; Lou Fiore, chairman of the Alarm Industry Communications Committee
4:45-6 p.m. The New Competitive Landscape: Telcos, Cable Companies and Beyond in Room 204. We'll talk about the new entrants' strategies and timelines to scale their business. What do you need to know to compete? On the panel: Joe Nuccio, CEO of ASG; John Loud, president of LOUD Security; and, Tom Kerber of Parks Associates.