Dynamark enhances its partner program

By Spencer Ives
Updated Wed November 12, 2014
In every industry, and security is certainly no exception, everyone needs something to make them stand out from the crowd. One company in particular I've noticed as making that effort is Dynamark Security Centers, located in Hagerstown, Md., with their Partner Program. Today, Dynamark launched a new website for their Partner Program, providing an online portal specifically for their dealers and those interested in the program and stressing the difference between opening a partnership and participating in a dealer program.
“Dynamark does not limit the growth potential of our partners; and we like to place emphasis on the word partner. We do not compete with our partners. We can only succeed if we have a long-term relationship with our partners, so we believe in transparency and choices,” said Hank Groff, senior VP of sales & business development for Dynamark, in a prepared statement.
“This website will help Dynamark better communicate with both current partners and dealers who are looking to know more about Dynamark,” said Tom Piston, VP of business development, in a prepared statement.
This is a program open to independent alarm dealers across the country, but it appears to be a program trying to offer something different and unique to the people Dynamark works with, having a concern for their individual growth as independent companies.