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Natural disasters test concept for ASAP-to-the-PSAP program

September 1, 2011Daniel Gelinas

PITTSBURGH—Vector Security CEO Pam Petrow said recent natural disasters on the East Coast have provided a proof of concept for CSAA's ASAP-to-the-PSAP program. "[CSAA president] Ed [Bonifas] got the educational road show going and we've got more people participating. We've got all these PSAPs in the queue. We've got legs, but the hard part is going to be walking before we run because everyone wants to move yesterday," Petrow told Security Systems News. "In the earthquake...

ASAP to PSAP, Bill Hobgood, earthquake, Ed Bonifas, Houston, Hurricane Irene, Pam Petrow, Richmond Virginia, Texas, United Central Control (UCC), Vector Security

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