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Archive: December 2014


Cloudy distinctions with off-site and hosted access control

December 30, 2014Kenneth Z. Chutchian

YARMOUTH, Maine—The question of whether cloud-based security systems are synonymous with Web-based access control or hosted systems is one that still hangs over the security industry—like a cloud. It's not a dark cloud, but sometimes it gets in the way of clarity.“You're not sure anymore,” said Dave Koenig, partner at Capital Fire and Security, an integrator based in Madison, Wisconsin. “The 'cloud,'” he said, “is kind of a buzz term now.”According...

Blake Kozak, Brivo Labs, CannonDesign, Capital Fire and Security, Cloud, Dave Koenig, F. Patrick Mahoney, IHS Industrial and Medical Technical Group, Steve Van Till

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Access control now a basic need at schools, but a 'culture of security' tops lists

December 29, 2014Kenneth Z. Chutchian

YARMOUTH, Maine—Two years after the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. brought renewed awareness to security needs in public school buildings, experts in the field say the most important measure of progress is not new technology or even new applications of existing technologies.The true test of whether a school is taking care of the health and safety of people inside is the extent to which they have created a culture of security awareness.“For a few thousand...

CannonDesign, Capital Fire and Security, Dan Budinoff, Dave Koenig, F. Patrick Mahoney, Mark Bomber, Security Specialists

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Also Noted

SentryNet: Here's how to take on national companies

December 29, 2014SSN Staff

RICHLAND, Miss.—SentryNet is hosting a series of classes designed to teach its dealers how to grow their businesses. David Avritt and Kurt Erdman of SentryNet, Patrick Bleser of Kwikset, and Robert Walker of Honeywell will provide information on how to sell, explain and install smart home and Z-Wave technology. “This training is exclusive for dealers that want to go toe-to-toe with ADT, Vivint and other national companies,” SentryNet said in a prepared statement. The first session...

Honeywell, Kwikset, SentryNet

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General News

Five Questions: Chad Swain

December 23, 2014Amy Canfield

Chad Swain is the new general manager of Protection 1's Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio, markets. His experience elsewhere ranges from commercial sales and installation manager to executive sales trainer, senior vice president of sales and regional general manager. Swain also owned and operated his own company as a manufacturer and distributor of security products including video, IP and HD cameras and DVRs. In November, Security Systems News caught up with Chad and asked him five questions. Are...

Chad Swain, Five Questions, Protection One, Security Systems News (SSN)

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Monitoring Matters

Thank you and happy holidays

December 23, 2014Spencer Ives

For those of you who have been following my blog, you may know that I haven't been in the industry very long. But, in the past couple months, I've been trying my best to learn as much as I can about the industry. As such, I've picked up things here and there that make a lot of sense to me. A poignant summation of the purpose behind it all came from Chris Newhook, central station manager for American Alarm and Communications when I visited recently; that monitoring is about comfort, making sure people...

central stations, Happy Holidays, Security Systems News (SSN)

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General News

CFATS reauthorization, at long last

December 22, 2014Amy Canfield

WASHINGTON—After a long wait for those in the industry, the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) measure has been reauthorized for four more years.The House of Representatives in December approved a Senate-tweaked, four-year reauthorization of the program, a move that SIA is “very excited” about, said Jake Parker, SIA director of government relations. President Obama signed the bill Dec. 18.SIA for years has been advocating for permanent authorization of CFATS, a set...

CFATS, Jake Parker

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Avigilon buys ObjectVideo's patents, licensing program for $80.3m

December 19, 2014Martha Entwistle

Updated Jan. 15, 2015VANCOUVER, British Columbia—The future of the video surveillance industry “is about business intelligence and video analytics,” according to Avigilon CEO Alexander Fernandes, and Avigilon's purchase of a division of ObjectVideo equips it for that future with what he calls the “strongest portfolio of intellectual property related to video analytics … the designers, technical knowhow, trade secrets and now the patents.”In December, Avigilon paid...

Alexander Fernandes, Avigilon, ObjectVideo, Raul Fernadez, Video Analytics

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Also Noted

Time to nominate for WSC Women of the Year awards

December 18, 2014SSN Staff

TAMPA, Fla.—Nominations are now open for the Women's Security Council's2015 Women of the Year awards, given to women who have exhibited leadership in the physical security industry and at their companies. The awards, also based on recipients' contributions in mentoring and supporting other women in the security field, will be presented at a WSC 2015 Networking Reception at ISC West in Las Vegas in April. “We have a wonderful opportunity to recognize some of the top female...

ISC West, Rhianna Daniels Hile, Women in Security

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American Alarm and Communications' unique approach

December 17, 2014Spencer Ives

ARLINGTON, Mass.—For American Alarm and Communications, it's not just about the growth of the company, but an invested growth in the individual—which, itself, facilitates company growth. The company on Dec. 15 hosted a visit for a new Security Systems News editor.Maria Moretti, Command Center manager, Chris Newhook, central station manager, and Keith Hunt, technical manager, all underscored the principle in American Alarm's philosophy that employees should follow what interests them,...

American Alarm and Communications, Chris Newhook, Keith Hunt, Maria Moretti, Security Systems News (SSN)

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Dice Users' Group Conference 2014

December 17, 2014Spencer Ives

MOUNT PLEASANT, Mich.—Dice Corp. released a selection of new products at its most recent annual users' group conference, where 30 percent of its client base was present.Approximately 95 percent of those attendees were from North America, according to Carol Enman, senior VP of strategic business development and communications for Dice, a producer of central station software,One of the precipitating factors to this lineup of releases was the recent growth of the company. “We've grown quite...

Carol Enman, Cliff Dice, dice, Dice Users Group Conference

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